How to Keep Privacy When You Buy a Home Robot

How to Keep Privacy When You Buy a Home Robot

A lot of things have changed over the last one and a half decades. Take for instance; home robots. Something that we read only in science fiction books is part of our lives now. 

You’d be surprised to know that the home robot market is currently valued at 8 billion USD. It is likely to touch the figure 19-billion mark by the end of 2028. This is the kind of popularity and confidence that home robots enjoy these days.

Home robots can be your ideal partner to make your life convenient and easy. However, just like with every technical wonder—it’s vulnerable to data breaches and unauthorized access. Usually, these robots transmit the necessary data and information to their OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and authorized third parties, but if something goes wrong, the user may fall into trouble.

Home robots make excessive use of sensors and cameras installed on its body. Though the purpose of capturing videos and images is essential for home security (the actual purpose for which the device has been bought), sometimes it can lead to a massive data concern.

The Risks of Using Home Robots

  • Recording your videos 24*7. 
  • Collect your personal data relating to your daily lifestyle and habit and supply the same to advertisers for spamming your emails and telephones.
  • Home robots are always connected to the internet, inviting cybersecurity risks and hacking threats.
  • These robots can accidentally work erratically and not obey orders.

Not every home robot user may go through the above problems but it’s still better to err on the side of caution and stay safe from hackers and cybercriminals.

Here’s how you can ensure privacy and safety while bringing a new home robot to your house

Backdoor Entry of Virus

You may never know when your robot starts working as a backdoor entry for hackers using malicious codes. However, you can mitigate the risk by keeping your home robot up to date with the latest security patches and a strong alphanumeric password. 

Recently, ExpressVPN covered the risks of home robots and mentioned how unreliable network connections can make the device vulnerable to hackers and cybercriminals. Ideally, you should protect your router so that you can use the home robot without worrying about data breaches.

Don’t Leak Sensitive Information 

You can’t trust a robot. Though it works like a human, at the end of the day, it’s an advanced technological gadget connected to the internet. You shouldn’t leak any sensitive information in front of the home robot. For example, never disclose your bank details and debit card PIN to the robot. Make sure it’s nowhere near you when you are using your debit card. When the robot is not in use, it’s better to keep its camera turned off. 

Inflicting Psychological Attacks

Home robots can do a lot of work to make our lives simple. But it can also wreak havoc if starts malfunctioning. For example, robots tend to form emotional bonds with humans within a few months. Remote hackers can take advantage of this bond to distress the lives of users. Just imagine if a hacker gets succeeded in injecting malware into your robot and it starts running after you instead of obeying your order!  

Wrapping Up

There’s no doubt, home robots can greatly uplift the quality of our lives. But before using such a device, it’s essential to understand what it does, how it works, and what the risks involved in using such an advanced technological device. 

As a user, you must know the privacy features of a home robot and feel secure about it. If you’re using the robot with caution and by following all the privacy and safety tips mentioned above, you can absolutely stay safe and risk-free. Let us know what you think of it.


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