10 Tips to Make Your Videos Look More Professional

10 Tips to Make Your Videos Look More Professional

A professional video is extremely important to grab attention. Regardless of the purpose, you have to create a professional outlook to maintain the viewer’s interest. Most importantly, professional footage requires better technique rather than modern tools.

For instance, you need quality editing software. Let’s say, you don’t have the budget to get premium video editing software. Still, you can use a free video maker like Promo. With quality free video maker software, you can enhance the visuals and attract more audiences.

In this article, we will talk about 10 things that will make your videos look more professional.

Light is Important

A professional videographer ensures plenty of light while shooting footage. Without enough light, you can’t create a stunning video even if it doesn’t have everything else.

The sun is the best friend of every videographer. Make sure that you use natural light effectively. The best time to shoot a video is in the morning or evening. If you are shooting midday, search for a shady area or clouds for softer light.

While shooting indoors, you need to be more careful about light. You have to use different types of lights and use them in the right situation. To avoid this situation, try to shoot in natural light.

Clear Background

A messy or distracting background is the last thing you need for your video. The best way to maintain the viewer’s attention is to use a plain background. It could be a large sheet, wall, etc. To avoid casting shadows, the subject should be a few feet away from the wall.

Another great idea is to shoot at your workplace. However, there shouldn’t be an open window or reflective surface in the background.  

Excellent Editing Software

A free video maker is extremely important to enhance your video. Many free editing software is available on the internet. If you have the budget to purchase premium software, it is an excellent investment. From adding overlays to adding text, you can do a range of things with editing software.

Simple Video Editing

One of the most common mistakes is extra editing. While using a free video maker, you need to ensure minimum editing. Here are some editings you must consider while improving your video:

  • Remove unwanted noise
  • Improve lighting
  • Cut unnecessary silence or pause
  • Include background music (if applicable)

Ensure Clear Audio

Without clear audio, you can never deliver your message. People will leave your video as soon as they don’t like the audio quality. They may compromise on video quality but they will never compromise on the audio.

A good microphone should be your first investment. Get the best mic in your budget and make sure that you use it perfectly.

Shaky Video – A Big No

Shaky video always feels like a home movie. A professional video shouldn’t be shaky at all. It is difficult to hold a camera perfectly. Hence, you should always use a sturdy surface or tripod to capture videos. Moreover, you should avoid moving your camera location.

When you constantly move your camera, you distract the audience. If you have to move the camera, cut from one shot to another.

Additionally, you can enhance your video with stabilization software. If your camera has built-in stabilization, you should use it while shooting. Otherwise, you can use a free video maker to fix your shaky video.

Use Your Phone Perfectly

If you are shooting on a budget and don’t have a DSLR camera, use your phone intelligently. For most purposes, your phone video quality is fine. However, you need to follow some tips to get the most out of your phone camera.

  • Only use the back camera. Unfortunately, front cameras are not good in most smartphones.
  • Use landscape mode to make the video compatible with larger screens.
  • Many phones have a feature to overlay a grid on the screen. It helps in avoiding tilted video. Additionally, you can use a free video maker to adjust your video.

Improve Camera Presence

Let’s say, you are appearing in your videos. It is extremely important how you present yourself on the camera. If you are uncomfortable or nervous, you will distract your audience. A professional video should have a confident subject to deliver the message perfectly.

Thankfully, you can always improve this factor. Here are some tips to make you confident in front of the camera.

  • Start your video with a smiling face.
  • Avoid poor postures throughout the video. Stay calm and stand straight. Avoid crossing your arms. Keep your muscles relaxed and take deep breaths.
  • Speak slowly and use the diaphragm instead of the throat.
  • If you feel nervous, find a distraction. For example, you can write on a whiteboard to shift your focus.
  • Watch your videos and highlight your mistakes. With time and continuous practice, you will improve your body language for sure.

Use Various Angles

To keep the audience in their seats, you have to maintain their interest. The easiest way to keep their interest in using different angles. It is more important if you are making a product video, interview, or how-to video.

Make sure that you shoot from different angles and many B-footages. It will allow you to use them later.

While changing angles, make sure that you make a change of 45 degrees. Anything less than 45 degrees wouldn’t create the desired effect.

Planning is Key

Apart from poor technique, lack of planning is the major reason why you fail to deliver your message. Before you start production, make sure that you spend enough time planning your video.

Ask yourself why you want to create this video? Moreover, you must understand your target audience.  How to grab the attention of your audience? How to make them remember your video? Once you have an answer to these questions, go on and write a script.

Parting Words On Using a Free Video Maker To Make Your Video Look More Professional 

From writing the script to deciding the location, everything should be completely clear before going for production. Don’t hesitate to rewrite or remove some sections. Remember your ultimate goal and you will be fine.


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